Holistic Abdominal Therapy
Holistic Abdominal Therapy (HAT) has roots in the indigenous healing practices in the jungles of Central America and ancient Chinese medicine tradition. Michelle Hansen of Moon Shadow Healing Arts has curated a protocol over many years of studies, not limited to Rosita Arvigo’s Maya abdominal therapies, visceral manipulation, traditional massage therapy, Chi Nei Tsang and countless hours of personal research.
HAT is non-invasive and works externally on the abdominal region. Sessions do include loosening of other structures such as the upper legs, sacrum, and back. HAT works to relieve congestion and adhesions in the abdominal region in the tissues surrounding the organs, fascia, muscles, and ligamentous structures. This therapy works to improve the circulatory and lymphatic system while also calming the nervous system.
Organ positioning is crucial for optimal function various systems. Adhesions from use, emotional trauma, physical trauma, and injuries can cause adhesions inside and outside off various organ systems, circulation and lymph. Tight fascia and ligaments can also pinch off organs like the bladder, uterus, and intestines causing a disruption to their function. Additionally, these tight tissues can affect the valves and sphincters of the the organ systems which may also cause non-optimal function.
Reasons you might seek Holistic Abdominal Therapy
Pelvic Floor Disfunction/Stagnation
Pain relief
Better functioning of the muscles
Pelvic Floor Stagnation can cause:
Painful Intercourse
Pelvic Pain
Pain in Genital Area
Low Libido
Sluggish Digestion
Ovarian Cysts (can also be hormonal)
Vaginal Dryness
Recurrent Vaginal Infections
Hormone Regulation
PMS mood regulation
May help help depression and irritability during cycle
Headaches/migraines during cycle
Difficult menopause
Hot flashes
PCOS - may help negative symptoms associated
Emotions and trauma stuck in the body
The abdomen is an area where people often store repressed emotions that can be the cause of physical or visceral symptoms. Releasing the area can assist in letting go of the store emotions.
Circulatory System
Varicose veins
Tired lower extremities
Restless legs
Lack of feeling in legs/numbness
Edema in feet
Low back pain that can’t be explained or hasn’t been resolved through other methods
Weakness, pain, or discomfort associated with uterine ligaments
Round ligament discomfort
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Tension in sacrum
Weak pelvic floor
Ribcage & diaphragm discomfort
Prostate enlargement & discomfort
Trouble with urination
Erectile dysfunction
Low sperm count
Reproductive Health
Uterine position (uterus is held position by muscles and ligaments).
The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.
When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections, causing painful menstruation and fertility issues.This is essential for a healthy reproductive system, pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Scar Tissue, Post-Surgical Procedures, Adhesions in tissue causing dysfunction.
Adhesions from surgeries or invasive procedures in the abdominal and pelvic region can be diminished. Additionally, if those adhesions affect a particular organ or the surrounding tissues, perhaps issues that seem unrelated can help find resolve.
Digestive Benefits
Sluggish digestion
Chronic constipation
Pain with bowel movements
Rectal pain
Chronic indigestion
Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Bladder Issues
Diffuclty holding urination
Nocturnal Urination
Difficult, Painful or Incomplete Urination
Urination Frequency
Chronic Bladder Infections
*A tipped uterus may result in incontinence, leaking, bladder infections, and frequency. A swollen prostate gland can diminish the urine stream, make it difficult to initiate the flow of urine and cause frequency.
Menstruation & PMS Issues
Pain with menstruation
Heavy periods
Irregular cycles
Dark colored blood
Pain during ovulation
Irregular ovulation
Failure to ovulate
Abnormal bleeding
Low back pain during period
Bloating and water retention
Uterine polyps